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Top 10 Play Therapy Activities with Little to No Toys

  • 5 Feb 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual


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Top 10 Play Therapy Activities with Little to No Toys

AZAPT Members Only

While play is the natural language of children, and toys are used to assist in communication, not everyone has access to the ideal play therapy room. So how do you do play therapy without all the fun play therapy tools? This training will provide insight into at least 10 play therapy activities that don’t need a lot of toys, props, or other play therapy tools.

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to compile at least 10 fun, play therapy activities without using a lot of toys.  

Level of training: Intermediate | Play Therapy Skills and Method

1 APT NONCONTACT CE awarded upon completion of post-test.

Cost is free to all AZAPT members.

Juliet Fortino, MC, LPC, Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™ works with Children and Families involved with Department of Child Safety and the various child mental health agencies in the Tucson community in a private practice setting. She has 26 years experience working with child trauma, abuse, attachment, and play therapy. She currently uses play therapy in individual and family therapy to help children heal from their previous traumas. She has extensive experience working with children of all ages, including the 0-5 age group. She speaks locally and nationally on a variety of play therapy topics.

AZAPT is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to Play Therapy. APT Approved Provider 97-035. AZAPT maintains responsibility for the program. Registrants understand and agree that any photograph, video or audio recording of themselves may be used to further promote AZAPT.

Arizona Association for Play Therapy

10869 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 103-243

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

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