NETWORKING COMMITTEEThe Networking and Outreach committee provides opportunities for members to network and promotes play therapy within the community. The committee is dedicated to establishing connections and relationships within the field of play therapy to enhance professional growth, collaboration, and support. We plan events (virtual and in-person) to connect our therapists across the state, providing collaborative opportunities to build a strong professional network in play therapy. The committee aims to foster relationships within the local community and spread awareness about play therapy. |
CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEEThe Continuing Education committee focuses on scheduling the virtual and in-person trainings offered by AZAPT throughout the year, as well as plans the annual conference each year. The committee meets monthly to plan who will present. They help focus the application process and ensure that the approved provider criteria standards are being met. |
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEEThe Communication Committee works to help Arizona’s Play Therapy community stay connected through social media outlets and our monthly newsletters. We find creative ways to communicate events and resources though all our platforms. If you like creating content or sharing resources, come serve on the communications committee with us. |
![]() | NOMINATIONS COMMITTEEThe Nominations committee is generally chaired by the immediate past-President of AZAPT. Nominations committee focuses on annual board elections, as well as the AZAPT annual awards programs. Annual board elections include a request for application for the board, chairing the committee that oversees the election process, and announcing the results of the election. Annual awards program is focused on identifying and selecting those members that are deserving of one of the annual AZAPT awards. |
DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEEThe purpose of this committee is to develop and promote strategies and best practices within the realms of racial, social, sexual, and gender diversity and to recommend diversity, equity, and inclusion-informed programs and processes. |